The library of the Seshadripuram Evening College is one of the well-equipped library and information centres amongst affiliated colleges of Bengaluru City University. The college library has a good collection of textbooks, reference books, periodicals, journals etc. The library has facilities like internet browsing, reprographic facility, collection of good number of reference materials on competitive examinations, various study centres such as Gandhi, Vivekananda, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Basava to nurture the culture and harmony of Indian heritage among students.
The library and information centre of the college has subscribed to INFLIBNET's NLIST consortia since 2012 from its inscription and the ever-expanding demand of its users. The college has a fine library stocked with almost 40,374+ books and a reading room. The library remains open from morning 7:30 am to 9:00 pm. There has been a steady increase in the number of students visiting the College Library. To motivate the users of Library, 'Best User Award' is given every year.
To provide a student centred learning environment that facilitates collection of information and to cater the needs of users and maintain collections in support of the academic pursuits of the college.
To facilitate access to right information at the right time in the right manner by the developments of technology as to produce the great citizens to this great nation in general and to our college in specific.
There has been a steady increase in the number of students visiting the College Library. To motivate the users of Library Library Best User Award is given every year to a student from each stream.
This committee advises on the purchase of books for Library and other guidelines of the Library.
Highlights of the College Library
- Collaborative academic programs and services involving the library enhance students' learning.
- Free internet facility with 35 systems.
- Well-maintained and easily accessible copies of previous years question papers.
- SC/ST Book Bank maintained separately.
- Subscription to N-LIST software facility to provide e-journals and e-books.
- Library working hours from 2.30 pm to 9.00pm, beyond the regular class hours to enable students to make maximum use of the library.
Library Rules and Regulations
- Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
- Silence to be maintained
- No discussion permitted inside the library
- Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources
- No personal belongings allowed inside the library
- Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed inside the library
- Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
- Scan and login before entering library
- Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
- Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
- Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises
Library Services
- Career or Employment Information
- Internet Facilities to different user groups
- Displaying newspaper clippings on the notice board periodically.
- Epic corner
- Inclusion of sufficient information about the library in the college prospectus.
- Particular collections on Gandhi, Ambedkar, Vivekananda and Basavanna studies.
- Maintaining current affairs awareness journals
- Curriculum facility
- Reference facility
- Facilitates Open access system for easy accessibility.
Admission to Library
Students are allowed to library only on production of their authorized / valid
Identity Cards
Links to General Knowledge and Current Awareness