Chetana (Women Empowerment Cell)


Faculty Convenor: Leelavathi M

Students Co-ordinator: Khushbu Sahani and Geethanjali

WEC is a cell made to help sensitize students towards the various problems faced by women and other gender-based issues. WEC empowers women to face the present challenges by providing tools and techniques that help to eliminate individual stress. A sense of community is created that allows women to face these challenges as a team rather than individually. The goal of Women Empowerment Cell is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. The Women Empowerment Cell encourages women to find practical solutions to their challenges so that each one becomes self-dependent in their own right. The responsibility of the Women Empowerment Cell is to follow the Mandatory Guidelines of the university, regarding the security arrangements for Girl Students and Women staff of our Institution


  • Evolve all possible strategies for empowering women in not only socio-cultural aspects but also in holistic way towards the betterment of the society.
  • To educate the establishment towards gender sensitization
  • To help women students understand their strength and potential
  • To motivate and inspire girl students in their pursuit of excellence.
  • To promote awareness among girl students on occupational, legal and constitutional rights.
  • To educate girl students on women health issues and measures to be taken.
  • To sensitize girl students on gender equality and to further encourage them to advocate gender equality within the community.
  • To make girl students realize their strengths and be empowered.


To empower women in all spheres of life enabling them to become agents of social and economic change and inculcating ethical values for the betterment of self, family and society.


To train women to acquire wide range of skills and knowledge. To develop and increase their social, economic and intellectual capacities for peace, security and prosperity of mankind.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To spread the objectives of WEC among the girl students.
  • To participate actively in the events and competitions organized by the cell and encourage other girl students to participate.
  • To allow girls to organize enthusiastically the events of WEC under the guidance of the cell.
  • To motivate the girl students of the class to become extroverts.
  • To bring to the notice of the faculty representative of their respective department, if any gender specific issue arises among the girl students